To connect to your Linux cloud instance, you'll need a program such as Putty which is an SSH / Telnet client.
Once Putty has been downloaded and installed. You'll need to connect to your cloud instance with a private key (Due to our strict security policies, we only allow SSH key authentication to Storage Bucket cloud instances).
1. Start off by downloading the private key from your client area:

2. Confirm you wish to download the SSH key:

3. Once downloaded, you'll need to edit the key using a text editor such as "Notepad" or "Notepad++"

4. Copy the contents of the private key file into "Puttygen" in order to generate an SSH key file:

If done correctly, the above message should be displayed. Save the private key file anywhere you can keep it safe.
5. Open up "Putty" and navigate to the following settings as depicted below:

Insert the location of your SSH key file.
6. Navigate to the settings as depicted below in Putty, to configure your connection details to your cloud instance - please insure you use the Floating IP address allocated to your cloud instance (this can be found within the cloud instance control panel):

7. To finalize connectivity to your cloud instance. Accept the connection security dialog box (Yes):

Once connected, log in with your user account such as centos / ubuntu.